Dear Parents and Staff,
Thank you for your understanding and flexibility in regard to having to make adjustments during this CoronaVirus 19 outbreak. We are all watching the news daily for reports, updates, and suggestions on prevention.
Even though the virus is a very serious issue, we still need to continue with our lives and work. If a parent / student / staff needs to travel to one of the identified countries that are of a high risk of contamination, we are asking that upon your return, for the following:
1. Take 14-days of self-quarantine.
2. Daily check for symptoms of fever, cough, sneezing and difficulty of breathing. Use preventive measurement including wear a mask all the time, wash hands with alcohol hand rub or soap.
3. Seek medical advice if you are not sure before returning to school.
Satit Udomseuksa Schools Response: (LINKS to school letters)
2nd March 2020 - The school and students’ guidelines regarding the corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) letter. (Click here to read)
3rd March 2020 – Installment payment letter. (Click here to read)
The actions taken at Satit Udomseuksa School (Click here to read)
Official OPEC Announcements
Below are links to the official announcements from the Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC).
Announcement 20th February 2020 – Thai
Announcement 20th February 2020 – English
Announcement 2nd March 2020 – Thai
Announcement 2nd March 2020 – English
Announcement 28th February 2020 – Thai (referred to in 2nd March announcement)
Announcement 28th February 2020 – English (referred to in 2nd March announcement)